
Equine – Updates on Liver Disease

by William Gilsenan, VMD, DACVIM (LAIM)

Update on Muscle Disorders

by SpeakerName

Equine Panel

by Boehringer Ingelheim

What’s New Regarding Diagnostics & Treatments of Tendon Injuries

by Cole Sandow, DVM, MS, DACVS

What’s New Regarding Diagnostics & Treatments of Joint Disease

by Cole Sandow, DVM, MS, DACVS

Podiatry – Update on Laminitis

by Craig Lesser, DVM, CF

Feeding the Athletic Horse

by Stephen G. Jackson, PhD

Addressing Health Problems With a Nutrition Component

by Stephen G. Jackson, PhD

Equine Corneal Disease

by Catharine Nunnery, DVM, DACVO

Equine Uveitis

by Catharine Nunnery, DVM, DACVO